Monday, January 10, 2011

Launch Jacking Bonus

Launch Jacking Bonus

Affiliate marketing is great as long as you know article marketing strategies. Anyone with the ability to access the Internet can make money by promoting other people's products. You can get free affiliate websites just by signing up for them. Then, you simply direct traffic to those sites; and when people buy, you make money.

The challenge is getting targeted traffic to those affiliate websites. Many newbies make the mistake of creating Google Ad words campaigns, or other search engine pay per click advertising. That is a sure money pit for newcomers.

The other classic mistake is to waste your days surfing in traffic exchanges and similar free advertising websites. The idea is to get credits to show your affiliate page to the other surfers, but the only people on those sites are other marketers who aren't interested in buying anything. (Like you, they want to sell things.)

Launch Jacking

The way to get traffic that is looking for what you have to offer, is through the use of article marketing strategies. You may have heard of it through a different name, the bum method. You can do it on a bum's budget: free, but you do need online access, of course.

There are a lot of websites known as article directories that will publish what your write for free, as long as you meet their basic quality guidelines. You really only need to write on a sixth grade level, and the articles should only be a few hundred words long.

You will write about topics related to the products or services that are sold at your affiliate websites. The last paragraph of your articles is the writer's resource box where you are allowed to give up to two links. You can link to your affiliate pages through the use of a third party page like Squidoo -- where you can do more pre-selling -- or by doing a domain redirect, which will take your readers directly to your affiliate sales page.

Launch Jacking Review

You will get some readers from the traffic that the directories bring, but the goal is to get search engine traffic. To do that, you will need to do keyword research and find keywords that have a decent amount of monthly searches and not that much competition.

Keyword research is fun and easy, but it's the subject for other articles. Now that you know article marketing strategies, you can say goodbye to wasting time & money, like other newbies do -- and you can actually make money from the comfort of your home.